Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ten on Tuesday

Ten on Tuesday, to me, is where I will post TEN thoughts, events that have happened, ten things that I want to blog about but blog about it in ONE blog.

Here goes nothing...

1. God was with my sister and neice today, as always. Prayer works, believe that.

2. My husband is of course glued to the T.V. Being a huge Auburn fan, of course he is. What am I thinking? Totally thinking about how ready I am for FOOTBALL season to be OVER with! Most women are ready for deer season to end - me, I am ready to get a good nights sleep. When I have to wake up to football, go to sleep to football and look at it anytime I watch T.V. - someone has an obsession.

3. I am really getting the hang of this blog thing and I totally love it. I can't believe how I haven't blogged before!

4. As of today, I have lost a total of 147 pounds! What an accomplishment that is! I weighed a whopping 358 pounds(yes, I did!) back in August 2009, when I had my gastric bypass. The best decision I have ever made for myself. I never knew how big I really was until now and can't imagine being that size again. I still have a goal of losing another 54 to 60 pounds by August 2011 and will do so. Why wouldn't I? I can do anything that I put my mind to!

5. My little peanut,the nurse in the nursery called her peanut and it stuck, is growing too fast. She is already two months old and my little monkey, Madison, is already two years old! Where in the world is the time going? I don't want them to grow up just yet. I'm not ready for them to not want me by their side through every life changing event, I'm not ready for them to want to do things that "big girls" do. I'm simply just not ready for them to grow up!

6. Confession: I did not make any New Year resolutions this year. I made goals. January 2010, two fellow co-workers and myself sat down and made a 'Bucket List', which was our version of a New Years resolution list. Did we accomplish any of those resolutions? Of course not. Not because we couldn't, just simply because who really keeps their New Year resolutions? Goals are more realistic. The goals that I plan to accomplish this year are as follows:
a. become more active in a church
b. lose 60 pounds by August 2011
c. become more organized, business wise
d. save money for Christmas 2011
e. drink more water and eat healthier
... I am sure that I will add to this list as the year comes along. Wish me luck!

7. Teen Mom is an addiction. Why, I am not so certain.

8. We are now officially hardcore potty training in the Eggers' household. We have tried and tried since monkey, Madison, was 18 months old and it just isn't working out. I don't understand. I don't think she understands. I've bribbed her with gummy bears, money, you name it. She is a dora fanatic so we bought Dora pull-ups and asked that she not tee-tee on Dora. We even stressed, "if you tee-tee on Dora Madison, she's going to cry". Do you think my precious two year old cares? Oh, no. I hope Graesyn, little peanut, is much easier to potty train.

9. Two days ago, we watched a buck swim across the lake. No lie. Will probably never see THAT happen again!

10. I'm from the South and love it. My blog is where I can write about things I love, my work, my art, anything I wish and don't expect me to write like a professional. It just won't happen! However, I read some blogs and wish I could write like they do but it just isn't in me. I hope you still enjoy reading my adventures though!


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