Thursday, January 6, 2011

How will you be Inspired today?

Every day a person is faced with different situations, different life changing events, different inspirations to keep you going with what it is you love. Today, as I roam around on Facebook, something amazing caught my eye. A post, from Kerry Morgan, encouraging any photographers to watch this video. Finding other photographers advice, tips and words an inspiration, I of course could not wait to see for myself what she thought we might love. Amazingly enough, the video of Vivian Maier took my breath away. What a legend! Who knew that street photography could be turned into such amazing, inspiring work. I am sure that Vivian never would have imagined her work being such a big deal but I must say, it's simply breath taking! Vivian's story inspires me to take shots of anything and everything I find interest in rather it be a homeless person on the street, a stranger with a gorgeous smile, or simply my little girls with their every day lives. One day, these shots will inspire someone else and will also be breath taking for others, especially my children when they're my age.
So, what will you be inspired by today? I want to know!


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