Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Ten On Tuesday

Okay, I have been out of the blogging loop for a while now & promise to not let that happen, ever again!

1. Know of any babies being born in Jan - March of 2012, whose parents want a FREE session? Yes, I said FREE. If you do, send them my way! Have them to email me at lizaeggers@aol.com!

2. LEP (Liza Eggers Photography) is getting a make over! That's right folks! Lots of new and amazing changes coming soon!

3. Also, if you know of any SENIORS interested in a photo session, send them my way as well!

4. Can you believe that we only have 11 days until Christmas?? My oh my where has this year gone? Time sure does fly by! I better start shopping, YESTERDAY!

5. I am ready for 2012!

6. Things are hectic in the Eggers' household right now. We are moving into a new house, yay! With painting, 2 jobs, 2 little girls, packing, etc..I am one busy momma! Thanks to my sweet husband for holding it together while I go crazy with it all!

7. I am trying to decide if I want to do that weekly photo project or daily..with being so busy, I am thinking the weekly. Any good tips?

8. Making a bucket list for 2012 already? I am!

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Phillips' Family

Sheila & I went to school together and when she asked me to photograph her kids and her as a gift to her sweet husband who is deployed in South Korea, I was delighted! They really do have the sweetest babies!
Sweet little Bryce is just too cute! His mom and I work together & she wanted to get together for Bryce's 6 month pictures. This little guy is a little older than my 9 month old and is growing way too fast! Before I know it, he'll be one!
Amy bought one of my groupons & I am so glad she did. As my assistant & I arrived at the Clutter house, little Chase came running outside to greet us. He sure is going to catch the ladies' eyes when he is older! I couldn't have felt more welcomed than I felt by this family. Amy and I had so much in common, we just hit it off from the gitgo. While mom was feeding baby Drew, dad and I took Chase outside for a few pictures by himself. I noticed a park bench in their yard, out between two trees, and asked Chase if he'd like to sit down. As I'm snapping along, dad tells me that the bench is the very bench that he proposed to Amy on. They actually bought the park bench! As we finish up Chase's very own session, and go inside to wait on mom and baby Drew, I notice what I thought was a bench in their dining area. I offer that to be a great sitting area for a family photo. Dad then speaks up and informs me that the bench is actually a church pew that came from the church they were married in. How awesome is that! I instantly fell in love with The Clutter's and believe we'll keep in touch forever. On a sad note, they are military and are moving next week. Take care, guys!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Robbie & Kenlee

This father & daughter duo are a match made in heaven. I only got to spend about an hour with the two and could insantly see the love that this daddy has for his little princess. Robbie treated sweet Kenlee to a special day catered to her including a manicure and pedicure, hair-do and her very own photo session. Check out a few of my favorites from our session!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Easter Sessions

This year I did Free Live Bunny Easter pictures out at Southern Homes & Gardens in Wetumpka. What a huge success. I had the privilege to meet some new friends and some very sweet kids. Here are a few of my favorites from the sessions.
I had the best time with Chrystal, shooting her bridal portraits. She is getting married in September and I cannot wait. Being a photographer herself, we came up with some great shots. Here's a sneak peek!


These two are the cutest couple. Jessica & Jerry are so in love & she's a girl after my own heart. They are both very outgoing & love to live life but more importantly, love each other.


Kadie contacted me, asking if I would photograph her and her sweet boyfriend before their prom. I wasn't really sure what poses to do, I had never shot prom pictures before, but once I actually met the two, it was easy as pie. Kadie & Nathan have only been dating a little under a year but they are so in love and it shows all too well. See for yourself. Thank you Kadie & Nathan for letting me be a part of your special day.
I haven't blogged in a while, I know, I know! I have been swamped with work, that's a good thing right!? I've got lots of catching up to do and I am going to start off with a post of my two amazingly gorgeous, sweet little girls. These two little girls make the bad days, the best I've ever had. I'm not sure where I'd be without my two sweet daughters, but I know one thing, they completely have my heart. Mommy loves you Madison & Graesyn.

I'm a sucker for blogs. Erin Cobb is probably my favorite. I adore how she tells the story that goes along with her pictures and then each year, she makes a book of it. I'm totally inspired and have to find the time to do this too. My girls will cherish that, forever. So, here I start. Don't laugh, I'm not a pro but you get the idea.

Everytime I tell someone that I am a photographer, they always say, "I bet you have sweet pictures of your precious girls, all over your house.!" Sadly, I don't but I plan to change that. Madison isn't one who likes to take pictures and it took a lot to get this sweet shot, but that makes it even THAT much more special to me. They're going to grow up to be the best of friends. I'm sure of it. Every morning Madison wants to go in their room, to check on sissy, to make sure she had a good nights rest too. (yes, she still has to have her mommy by her side at bedtime, at 2 1/2. I honestly, wouldn't have it any other way.) She's always asking to feed her baby sister or whatever she can do to help. I'm very proud of the little girl Madison has become. We're learning to potty train, again, and it's the hardest thing I've done as a momma, thus far. Madison loves her big girl panties but she just doesn't grasp the concept that you don't tee tee in them. I hope she gets it soon. If not, we'll keep trying.

Graesyn is growing so fast, they both are, really. Graesyn is almost 8 months old and one little tooth had poked through her chubby little gums. Bottom center. She's already saying "momma" and "dadda". She started clapping yesterday, too! We're scootin' around on the floor but no full forced crawling yet, I'm sure it won't be too long. She's the happiest little baby, I've ever seen. She only really gets ill when she's hungry or extremely tired. Other than that, we're all smiles.

I simply could not imagine my life without these two. God has definitely blessed me beyond belief and words cannot describe how lucky I am.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Becky & Lauren

Lauren has the cutest locks of love, I've ever seen! I met up with Becky & Lauren at Jasmine Hill Gardens for a few sweet Mother & daughter pictures. I think they turned out fabulous! Thank you Becky for allowing me to capture such a sweet memory and thank you Lauren for all of your help! :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

Chris' Senior Session

I met Chris and his sweet mom through Jennifer, the owner of Pink Polka Dots. (You should come check out the Shoppe. Totally awesome and my studio is located inside! We're right beside American Oak!) Chris is the funniest young man, I have ever met. I have never laughed so much in my life.

Clif & Lindzie were such a joy to photograph. They are such a cute couple and the love that they have for each other is a rare find. Clif was such a trooper and just went with the flow, my kind of guy! Thank you two for allowing me to capture a moment in your lives, that I hope you cherish for the many years to come.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Emmie's Four

The Shoppes of Wetumpka now hosts Tiara & Tutu birthday parties for girls and Sword & Crown parties for boys. I offer a photo booth for the parties as well and below are the images from Emmie's fourth birthday photo booth session! Little Miss Danyelle is such a ham for the camera!
and little miss madison is already taken after her sweet momma. what can i say? i love her to pieces!
Corinne contacted me wanting to do a special Boudoir photo session for her sweet husband, for Valentine's Day. We had so much fun and I think they turned out amazing! Here's a sneak peak! Thanks Corinne, for letting me photograph my very first Boudoir session!